GET Events
Returns all traffic events.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
key |
Developer Key |
string |
Required |
format |
Valid values are 'xml' or 'json', default 'json'. |
string |
Optional |
Response Information
Resource Description
Name | Description | Type |
ID |
A unique identifier. |
integer |
SourceId |
string |
Organization |
The name of the organization that provided this event. |
string |
RoadwayName |
The roadway on which the event occurred. |
string |
DirectionOfTravel |
One of the following directions of travel: None, All Directions, Northbound, Eastbound, Southbound, Westbound, Inbound, Outbound, Both Directions. |
string |
Description |
A summary of the event details which often includes type of event, dates and lanes affected. |
string |
Reported |
The date the event was reported in Unix time. More information |
integer |
LastUpdated |
The date the event's details were last updated in Unix time. More information |
integer |
StartDate |
The start date of the event in Unix time. More information |
integer |
PlannedEndDate |
The date the event is expected to end in Unix time. More information |
integer |
LanesAffected |
Describes the lane or number of lanes affected by the event. For example: all lanes. |
string |
Latitude |
The latitude describing the location. Format: double between -90 and 90. |
double |
Longitude |
The longitude describing the location. Format: double between -180 and 180. |
double |
LatitudeSecondary |
Secondary latitude. |
double |
LongitudeSecondary |
Secondary Longitude. |
double |
EventType |
The type of event. One of the following: roadwork, closures or accidentsAndIncidents. |
string |
EventSubType |
A more detailed and descriptive event type. No fixed list of sub types. |
string |
IsFullClosure |
True if all lanes are blocked for this event. |
boolean |
Severity |
Describes the severity of the event with default value of Unknown. |
string |
Comment |
Extra information about the event |
string |
EncodedPolyline |
A single string storing a series of coordinates. More information |
string |
Restrictions |
Different types of restriction: Width (Feet), Height (Feet), Weight (Tons) and Speed (Mph). |
list |
DetourPolyline |
Google Encoded Polyline for the detour |
string |
DetourInstructions |
Turn by turn instructions for the detour |
string |
Recurrence |
Describes the schedule of the event. |
string |
RecurrenceSchedules |
More information about recurring events. Event start and end dates, times and day(s) of the week event is active. |
string |
Name |
Name of the item |
string |
EventCategory |
Event Category |
string |
Location |
Describes the location on the roadway where the event occurred. |
string |
County |
The name of the county. |
string |
MPStart |
MP Start |
string |
MPEnd |
MP End |
string |
Response Formats
"ID": "UT-Construction--2910",
"Organization": "UT-Construction",
"DirectionOfTravel": "None",
"Description": "Restrictions: Varied rolling lane closures between Old. Bingham Hwy. to 134 S. to complete second coat of paint lines. Wed - Sat; Northbound lanes - 7am to Noon; Southbound lanes - 8am to 1pm; Contact Public Information: 435-990-1050;, and",
"Reported": 1696312800,
"LastUpdated": 1696369067,
"StartDate": 1696312800,
"PlannedEndDate": 1696658400,
"LanesAffected": "No Data",
"Latitude": 40.509227,
"Longitude": -112.003732,
"LatitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"LongitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"EventType": "roadwork",
"IsFullClosure": false,
"DetourPolyline": "",
"DetourInstructions": "",
"Recurrence": "",
"RecurrenceSchedules": "",
"Name": "Orem and Pleasant Grove State Street Pavement Preservation",
"EventCategory": "Construction",
"Location": "SR-85; 13400S to Old Bingham Hwy.",
"RoadwayName": "Mountain View Corr",
"County": "Salt Lake",
"Comment": "; 435-990-1050;",
"MPStart": "MP 8",
"MPEnd": "MP 12"
"ID": "UT-Construction--3005",
"Organization": "UT-Construction",
"DirectionOfTravel": "None",
"Description": "Traffic restrictions: I-70 is reduced to one lane in eastbound direction between MP 214-204 and 221-231 Monday -Friday from 7am to dark; and in the westbound direction between 221-231 on Wednesday from 7am to dark.",
"Reported": 1691647200,
"LastUpdated": 1695304141,
"StartDate": 1691647200,
"PlannedEndDate": 1696572000,
"LanesAffected": "No Data",
"Latitude": 38.933649,
"Longitude": -109.419889,
"LatitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"LongitudeSecondary": 0.0,
"EventType": "roadwork",
"IsFullClosure": false,
"DetourPolyline": "",
"DetourInstructions": "",
"Recurrence": "",
"RecurrenceSchedules": "",
"Name": "Smithfield Culvert Replacement",
"EventCategory": "Construction",
"Location": "I-70 Between W. Cisco and E. Cisco; Westwater to State Line (18379)",
"RoadwayName": "I-70",
"County": "Grand",
"Comment": "800-378-3390/",
"MPStart": "MP 204",
"MPEnd": "MP 231"
<Description>Restrictions: Varied rolling lane closures between Old. Bingham Hwy. to 134 S. to complete second coat of paint lines. Wed - Sat; Northbound lanes - 7am to Noon; Southbound lanes - 8am to 1pm; Contact Public Information: 435-990-1050;, and</Description>
<LanesAffected>No Data</LanesAffected>
<Name>Orem and Pleasant Grove State Street Pavement Preservation</Name>
<Location>SR-85; 13400S to Old Bingham Hwy.</Location>
<RoadwayName>Mountain View Corr</RoadwayName>
<County>Salt Lake</County>
<Comment>; 435-990-1050;</Comment>
<MPStart>MP 8</MPStart>
<MPEnd>MP 12</MPEnd>
<Description>Traffic restrictions: I-70 is reduced to one lane in eastbound direction between MP 214-204 and 221-231 Monday -Friday from 7am to dark; and in the westbound direction between 221-231 on Wednesday from 7am to dark.</Description>
<LanesAffected>No Data</LanesAffected>
<Name>Smithfield Culvert Replacement</Name>
<Location>I-70 Between W. Cisco and E. Cisco; Westwater to State Line (18379)</Location>
<MPStart>MP 204</MPStart>
<MPEnd>MP 231</MPEnd>